
Our tech stack

We are working with a diverse team, with different knowledge and past experience. For this reason, the tech stack used in BlueWave Labs are mostly commodity, but we are not afraid of latest technologies as well.

While the tech stack of a SaaS application can vary depending on factors such as the specific requirements, scalability needs, development team preferences, and the nature of the application itself, here is a list of what we used in BlueWave Labs (and what we don’t really use, but may consider in the future).

Frontend technologies

In BlueWave Labs, we prioritize user experience when building SaaS applications. Our frontend technologies are carefully selected to create intuitive interfaces and engaging interactions.

  1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript: These form the core building blocks for the user interfaces we build
  2. Framework: We use React to building interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  3. Styling framework: provides a set of pre-designed React components based on Google’s Material Design principles. It offers ready-to-use components and styles, enabling rapid development and consistent design.
  4. State Management: Redux is used for managing application state in complex applications.

We employ responsive design principles to make sure the software works across different devices.


Backend technologies

At BlueWave Labs, we rely on Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, and OAuth to build robust, secure, and scalable solutions. Deployments are done on AWS or Digital Ocean.
  1. Engine: Our main engine is Node.js. In the future, we plan to employ Go technologies as well.
  2. APIs: RESTful APIs are designed to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend.
  3. Authentication and authorization: Libraries like OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and session-based authentication are used to secure the application.
  4. Database: PostgreSQL is the most commonly used relational data storage technology in BlueWave Labs.
  5. Caching: Currently Redis, but we are looking at other alternatives after Redis’ licensing change (albeit it doesn’t affect us)

Currently we haven’t employed serverless technologies, but they are already in our radar.


Infrastructure and deployment

  1. Cloud platform: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Digital Ocean are our go-to cloud services. We mainly use their S3 and Linux images.
  2. Containerization: Docker for easy deployment and scalability. In the future, we may employ Kubernetes for orchestration.
  3. Version Control: We have a GitHub account that we use as a central repository to store and manage our codebase. Our developers have access to this repo.
  4. CI/CD integration: We have CircleCI’s great CI/CD implementation. This allows us to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.
  5. Monitoring and logging: We use Signoz, a single tool for all our observability needs – APM, logs, metrics, exceptions, alerts, and dashboards. It also has a powerful query builder.

Additional tools and services

  1. Communication: Discord for team communication (internal). In the future we are going to open Discord channels for community support as well.
  2. Project Management: GitHub is used for issue tracking and project management.

In fact the breakdown above represents a very typical tech stack for a SaaS application. We are also well versed when it comes to SaaS product development.

If you are using a different tech stack, do not hesitate to apply BlueWave Labs – we are not strict with our choices, and maybe we’ll learn something form you as well 🙂

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